
Showing posts from May, 2020

Sex Myths and Facts Clear Your Doubts from

When it comes to talk about intimacy, mutual respect, clear and enthusiastic consent and romance, everyone thinks about sexual relationship. It is only good, if you have an orgasm or reach the right point of ejaculation with perfection. There is no denying the fact that everyone desires to make their bedroom intimacy memorable and full of satisfaction that should be pleasurable with/without an orgasm. However, the fact is some people hardly reach orgasm; while others might have multiple orgasms. There are various sex myths and facts that often create problems and fill mind with doubts and issues.  You need to talk to experts and clear your doubts. There are various myths about pregnancy like: •    The best way to avoid getting pregnant is to use condom •    You can get pregnant at the time of period •    Peeing or douching after sex may protects against pregnancy •    A girl, when she loses virginity can get...

Come Out of Sex Stigma at

What often keeps adults and those who have just crossed the age of 16 under pressure is sex stigma that often creates various doubts in their minds and often fills them with negative thoughts. If they are in relationship for the first time and fail to achieve satisfaction, it may create various issues. Clear your sex stigma is important and no other option can better and ideal than talking with experts, participate in sex talk shows with sex workers, experts and professionals. It will surely pave the right ways to make their life better and full of pleasure.  To come out of Sex stigma that often create problems for you, a better opportunity is waiting for you and that is – a one stop reliable name where adults can speak frankly and openly about sexuality, advocating for responsible adult consensual sexual liberties and on various other topics.  It is an idea way for those who strive to replace erotic, stigma, myth and stereotype with educat...

Online Sex Education at

Crossing the age of 14 years and sometimes 18 brings curiosity, excitement to learn about new things, make new friends and know about the sexual life and activities. Clearing their doubts, know about the birth control, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control, sexual abstinence and emotional relations and responsibilities are some important points that can make life better. Here, you will come to know about the importance of online sex education that paves smoothen ways for clearing your sex myths and facts. In some nations, it is compulsory at college level; while some people try to learn from experts by participating in online talk shows. Online sex education is helpful in a number of ways. Here, what is more important than anything else is to find the right platform and clear your doubts and learn new things. Go online and you will find a number of top platforms offering you complete gui...